Dementia Care
Dementia is a name given to a set of illnesses that affect the brain. There are over 100 forms of Dementia, the most well-known of which is Alzheimer’s – which is sadly being diagnosed much more often in the UK.
The symptoms of Dementia begin by affecting a person’s memory, be it forgetting names, where they have been or what they are planning on doing, this forgetfulness understandably leads to the individual becoming confused and understandably frustrated.
Approximately 750,000 people in the UK have Dementia. It is an illness that doesn’t just affect the person, but also their family and friends.
Our Dementia Care Plan
Our Dementia Care Companions will support you to the exact same standard of care that you’re accustomed to, and are available on a short or long-term basis.
Fenovy Agency offer a wide range of support for those with the illness and for those who have family members with dementia.
- Hourly Visiting Care
- 24- Hourly Live-In Care
- Night Care
- Respite Care
- Group Workshops
Quality & Assurance Care
Are there security checks for carers? – Private in-home care agencies complete Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) checks for all carers. At Fenovy , it is standard procedure to follow up with each carer’s references. This is done to ensure that references check out and to inquire about the quality of care delivered by a carer and whether it is up to the Fenovy Agency standard – above par care that is delivered with compassion.